In this module, we show application of different tools for differential analysis to count data from RNA-sequencing.

Let’s start by writing wrapper functions for each tool. This is useful so as to have a go-to place where to be reminded of the sequences of commands needed to run a given tool.

## function(eset, class_id, control, treatment)
## {
##   ## require(DESeq2)
##   control_inds <- which(pData(eset)[, class_id] == control)
##   treatment_inds <- which(pData(eset)[, class_id] == treatment)
## <- eset[, c(control_inds, treatment_inds)]
##   ## make deseq2 compliant dataset
##   colData <- data.frame(condition=as.character(pData([, class_id]))
##   dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(exprs(, colData, formula( ~ condition))
##   ## set reference to control, otherwise default is alphabetical order
##   dds$condition <- factor(dds$condition, levels=c(control,treatment))
##   ## run deseq2
##   ## 3 steps:
##   ##   1. estimate size factors
##   ##   2. estimate dispersion
##   ##   3. negative binomial GLM fitting and wald test
##   dds_res <- DESeq(dds)
##   res <- results(dds_res)
##   res$dispersion <- dispersions(dds_res)
##   return(res)
## }
## <environment: namespace:BS831>
## function(eset, class_id, control, treatment)
## {
##   ##library(edgeR)
##   control_inds <- which(pData(eset)[, class_id] == control)
##   treatment_inds <- which(pData(eset)[, class_id] == treatment)
##   ## make edgeR compliant dataset
## <- eset[, c(control_inds, treatment_inds)]
##   condition <- as.character(pData([, class_id])
##   ## run edgeR
##   y <- DGEList(counts=exprs(, group = condition)
##   y <- calcNormFactors(y)
##   y <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y)
##   y <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y)
##   y <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y)
##   et <- exactTest(y)
##   res <- topTags(et, n = nrow(, = "none")
##   return(res)
## }
## <environment: namespace:BS831>
## function(eset, class_id, control, treatment)
## {
##   control_inds <- which(pData(eset)[, class_id] == control)
##   treatment_inds <- which(pData(eset)[, class_id] == treatment)
## <- eset[, c(control_inds, treatment_inds)]
##   condition <- as.character(pData([, class_id])
##   colData <- data.frame(condition=as.character(pData([, class_id]))
##   design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(condition))
##   colnames(design) <- levels( factor(condition))
##   fit <- lmFit(, design)
##   command_str <- paste("makeContrasts(",
##                        "(", treatment , "-", control, ")",
##                        ",levels = design)", sep = "")
##   contrast.matrix <- eval(parse(text=command_str))
##   fit2 <-, contrast.matrix)
##   fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
##   res <- topTable(fit2, coef=1, adjust="BH", = "none", number=Inf)
##   return(res)
## }
## <environment: namespace:BS831>

Loading zebrafish count data into expression set


## see script code/createDatasets/createZebra.R for how these datasets were processed
esetRaw <- zebrafish_htseq_raw_counts_eSet
esetFPKM <- zebrafish_cufflinks_counts_fpkm_eSet

## make sure esets are matched
if ( any(featureNames(esetRaw)!=featureNames(esetFPKM)) ) stop( "featureNames(esetRaw)!=featureNames(esetFPKM)" )
if ( any(sampleNames(esetRaw)!=sampleNames(esetFPKM)) ) stop( "sampleNames(esetRaw)!=sampleNames(esetFPKM)" )

## DMSO vs pregnemolone (PN) in both control samples and samples injected with MO
## ..(morpholino antisense oligonucleotides)

Reduce number of hypothesis to test

## remove those genes without at least 1 read per million in at least 'n' samples
## n = least amount of samples in a condition (4 in this dataset)

removeLowExpression <- function(eset, class_id)
  groups <- pData(eset)[,class_id]
  min.samples <- min( sapply(levels(groups), function(x){length(which(groups %in% x))}) )
  rpm <- colSums(exprs(eset))/1000000
  filter_ind <- t(apply(exprs(eset), 1,function(x) {x >rpm}))
  filter_ind_rowsums <- apply(filter_ind, 1, sum)
  return(eset[filter_ind_rowsums > min.samples,])
esetRaw1 <- removeLowExpression(eset=esetRaw, class_id = "Group")
esetFPKM1 <- esetFPKM[featureNames(esetRaw1),]

Running DEseq2, edgeR2, limma for differential expression analysis

## see wrappers at code/diffanalWrappers.R

## run deseq2
res_deseq2 <- run_deseq(eset=esetRaw1, class_id="Group", control="Ctrl_DMSO", treatment="Ctrl_PN")

## run edgeR htseq counts
res_edgeR <- run_edgeR(eset=esetRaw1, class_id="Group", control="Ctrl_DMSO", treatment="Ctrl_PN")

## run limma with cufflinks fpkm log2-transformed data
res_limma <- run_limma(eset=esetFPKM1, class_id="Group", control="Ctrl_DMSO", treatment="Ctrl_PN")

Compare significant genes in DEseq2 vs edgeR

## cumulative number of sig genes below mean expression]

## checking again
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## let's create a summary table for easy comparison of the results
res_summary <- data.frame(deseq2_padj=res_deseq2$padj,

## for plotting purposes
exprs_breaks <- seq(0, log10(max(as.numeric(exprs(esetRaw1)+1))), 0.01)

## cumulative significant genes vs. log10 mean expression
min.fdr <- 0.25
csg_DESeq2 <- sapply(exprs_breaks,
  function(x) nrow(subset(res_summary, mean_exprs < x & deseq2_padj < min.fdr)))

csg_edgeR <- sapply(exprs_breaks,
  function(x) nrow(subset(res_summary, mean_exprs < x & edgeR_padj < min.fdr)))

csg_limma <- sapply(exprs_breaks,
  function(x) nrow(subset(res_summary, mean_exprs < x & limma_padj < min.fdr)))

plot(exprs_breaks, csg_DESeq2,
     type = "l",
     col = "red",
     xlab = "log10 expression",
     ylab = paste0("Cumulative significant genes (FDR < ",min.fdr,")"),
     main = "Cumulative number of significant genes by log10 count")
lines(exprs_breaks, csg_edgeR, type = "l", col = "blue")

labels <- sapply(1:5,function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))))
legend("right", c("DEseq2", "edgeR"),col=c("red", "blue", "yellow"), lwd=10)

## normalization to proportion of significant genes instead of absolute number
plot(exprs_breaks, csg_DESeq2/max(csg_DESeq2),
     type = "l",
     col = "red",
     xlab = "log10 expression",
     ylab = paste0("Cumulative proportion of significant genes (FDR < ", min.fdr, ")"),
     main = "Cumulative proportion of significant genes by log10 count")
lines(exprs_breaks, csg_edgeR/max(csg_edgeR), type = "l", col = "blue")
labels <- sapply(1:5,function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))))
legend("right", c("DEseq2", "edgeR"), col=c("red", "blue", "yellow"), lwd=10)

## histogram of proportion of sig genes by mean expression
hist(subset(res_summary, deseq2_padj < min.fdr)[, "mean_exprs"], freq=FALSE,
     col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4), xlab = "log10 expression",
     ylab = "number of sig. genes (fdr<0.25)",
     main = "Proportion of number of significant genes by log10 count", xaxt = "n")
hist(subset(res_summary, edgeR_padj < min.fdr)[, "mean_exprs"],freq=FALSE,
     col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4), add = T)
labels <- sapply( 1:5,function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))) )
legend("topright", c("DEseq2", "edgeR"),
  col=c(rgb(1,0,0,1/4), rgb(0,0,1,1/4), rgb(1,1,0,1/4)), lwd=10)

## expected results: DESeq claims edgeR is anti-conservative for lowly expressed genes, and
## more conservative for strongly expressed genes (weakly expressed genes overrepresented)

Comparison of DEseq vs. Limma(log2 data)

plot(exprs_breaks, csg_DESeq2,
     type = "l",
     col = "red",
     xlab = "log10 expression",
     ylab = paste0("Cumulative significant genes (FDR < ", min.fdr, ")"),
     main = "Cumulative significant genes by log10 count")
lines(exprs_breaks, csg_limma, type = "l", col = "green")
labels <- sapply(1:5,function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))))
legend("bottomright", c("DEseq2",  "limma"), col=c("red",  "green"), lwd=10)

plot(exprs_breaks, csg_DESeq2/max(csg_DESeq2),
     type = "l",
     col = "red",
     xlab = "log10 expression",
     ylab = paste0("Cumulative proportion of significant genes (fdr < ", min.fdr, ")"),
     main = "Cumulative proportion of significant genes by log10 count")
lines(exprs_breaks, csg_limma/max(csg_limma), type = "l", col = "green")
labels <- sapply(1:5,function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))))
legend("right", c("DEseq2",  "limma"), col=c("red",  "green"), lwd=10)

## histogram of proportion of sig genes by mean expression
hist(subset(res_summary, deseq2_padj < min.fdr)[, "mean_exprs"], freq=FALSE,
     col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4), xlab = "log10 expression",
     ylab = paste0("number of sig. genes (fdr < ", min.fdr, ")"),
     main = "Proportion of number of significant genes by log10 count", xaxt = "n")
hist(subset(res_summary, limma_padj < min.fdr)[, "mean_exprs"],freq=FALSE,
     col=rgb(1,1,0,1/4), add = T)
labels <- sapply( 1:5, function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))) )
legend("topright", c("DEseq2", "limma"), col=c(rgb(1,0,0,1/4),rgb(1,1,0,1/4)), lwd=10)

Comparing MA-plots: Expression level vs. log Fold Change

Venn Diagrams of Gene Signatures**

## looking at overlap of significant genes from the three tools
diff_list <- list(DESeq2 = rownames(subset(res_summary, deseq2_padj < min.fdr)),
  edgeR = rownames(subset(res_summary, edgeR_padj < min.fdr)),
  limma = rownames(subset(res_summary, limma_padj < min.fdr)))

fill <- c("light blue", "pink", "green")
size  <- rep(0.5, 3)
venn <- venn.diagram(x = diff_list,
                     filename = NULL,
                     height = 2000,
                     width = 2000, fill = fill,
                     cat.default.pos = "text",
                     cat.cex = size,
                     main = paste0("Overlap of Signficant genes (FDR < ", min.fdr, ")"))

## Let us use our own visualizer (at

Extract normalized values from DESeq and edgeR



Now lets plot the raw counts, deseq2 Normalized Counts, and edgeR counts per million reads