Relational Genesets

When dealing with hundreds of genesets, it’s often useful to understand the relationships between them. This allows researchers to summarize many enriched pathways as more general biological processes. To do this, we rely on curated relationships defined between them. For example, Reactome conveniently defines their genesets in a hiearchy of pathways. This data can be formatted into a relational genesets object called rgsets.

genesets <- hyperdb_rgsets("REACTOME", version="70.0")

Relational genesets have three data atrributes including gsets, nodes, and edges. The genesets attribute includes the geneset information for the leaf nodes of the hiearchy, the nodes attribute describes all nodes in the hierarchy, including internal nodes, and the edges attribute describes the edges in the hiearchy.



2-LTR circle formation (13)
5-Phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis (3)
A tetrasaccharide linker sequence is required for GAG synthesis (26)
ABC transporters in lipid homeostasis (18)
ABO blood group biosynthesis (3)
ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 1 (25)


R-HSA-164843                                           2-LTR circle formation
R-HSA-73843                        5-Phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis
R-HSA-1971475 A tetrasaccharide linker sequence is required for GAG synthesis
R-HSA-5619084                                       ABC transporter disorders
R-HSA-1369062                           ABC transporters in lipid homeostasis
R-HSA-382556                           ABC-family proteins mediated transport
                         id length
R-HSA-164843   R-HSA-164843     13
R-HSA-73843     R-HSA-73843      3
R-HSA-1971475 R-HSA-1971475     26
R-HSA-5619084 R-HSA-5619084     77
R-HSA-1369062 R-HSA-1369062     18
R-HSA-382556   R-HSA-382556     22


          from            to
1 R-HSA-109581  R-HSA-109606
2 R-HSA-109581  R-HSA-169911
3 R-HSA-109581 R-HSA-5357769
4 R-HSA-109581   R-HSA-75153
5 R-HSA-109582  R-HSA-140877
6 R-HSA-109582  R-HSA-202733

Passing relational genesets works natively with hypeR().


signature <- limma %>% 
             dplyr::arrange(desc(t)) %>% 

hyp_obj <- hypeR(signature, genesets, test="kstest", fdr=0.01)

Interactive Visualization

One can visualize the top enriched genesets using hyp_hmap() which will return a hierarchy map. Each node represents a geneset, where the shade of the gold border indicates the normalized significance of enrichment. Hover over the leaf nodes to view the raw value. Double click internal nodes to cluster their first degree connections. Edges represent a directed relationship between genesets in the hiearchy. Note: This function only works when the hyp object was initialized with an rgsets object.

vn <- hyp_hmap(hyp_obj, top=30)

Save to an html file.

vn <- visNetwork::visOptions(vn, width="1280px", height="720px")
visNetwork::visSave(vn, "hyp_obj.html”)

Static Visualization

One of the downsides of the above interactive object is it’s difficult to render high quality figures in specific formats. You could take a screenshot after interacting with the figure, however that might not be high enough resolution for a publication. To help with this, you can alternatively return an igraph object pre-formatted with enrichment data.

ig <- hyp_hmap(hyp_obj, top=30, graph=TRUE)
IGRAPH aa0593f DN-B 92 83 -- 
+ attr: name (v/c), fdr (v/n), size (v/n), color (v/c), frame.color
| (v/c), label (v/c), type (v/c), (v/c), label.color
| (v/c), label.font (v/n), label.cex (v/n), label.dist (v/n), width
| (e/n), color (e/c), arrow.size (e/n)
+ edges from aa0593f (vertex names):
 [1] R-HSA-109581 ->R-HSA-169911  R-HSA-1234174->R-HSA-1234176
 [3] R-HSA-1280215->R-HSA-5668541 R-HSA-1280215->R-HSA-9607240
 [5] R-HSA-1430728->R-HSA-71291   R-HSA-157118 ->R-HSA-9013694
 [7] R-HSA-162582 ->R-HSA-157118  R-HSA-162582 ->R-HSA-194315 
 [9] R-HSA-162582 ->R-HSA-195721  R-HSA-162582 ->R-HSA-5358351
+ ... omitted several edges

Colors, weights, and normalized sizing properties from the interactive visualization are copied over to the vertex properties of the igraph object.

head(igraph::as_data_frame(ig, what="vertices"))[,c("name", "type", "fdr", "size", "color")]
                       name     type     fdr     size   color
R-HSA-174178   R-HSA-174178     leaf 1.7e-05 15.00000 #C70039
R-HSA-174143   R-HSA-174143 internal      NA 15.00000 #581845
R-HSA-453276   R-HSA-453276 internal      NA 15.00000 #581845
R-HSA-69278     R-HSA-69278 internal      NA 28.49315 #581845
R-HSA-1640170 R-HSA-1640170 internal      NA 29.17808 #581845
R-HSA-450408   R-HSA-450408     leaf 1.0e-05 15.00000 #C70039

Because genesets labels are typically long, it’s static visualizations are difficult. You’ll need to make custom adjustments depending on your needs.

# Consistent layout

# Overriding existing edge/vertex properties
     vertex.label=substr(ifelse(V(ig)$type == "leaf", V(ig)$label, ""), 1, 32), 

High quality rendering

tiff("hyp_obj.tiff", units="in", width=8, height=8, res=300)

Raw Graph Objects

You can also directly copy enrichment data from a hyp object to an igraph object.

ig <- hyp_to_graph(hyp_obj)
IGRAPH c6922c7 DN-- 2255 2264 -- 
+ attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), pval (v/n), fdr (v/n), signature
| (v/n), geneset (v/n), overlap (v/n), score (v/n)
+ edges from c6922c7 (vertex names):
 [1] R-HSA-109581->R-HSA-109606  R-HSA-109581->R-HSA-169911 
 [3] R-HSA-109581->R-HSA-5357769 R-HSA-109581->R-HSA-75153  
 [5] R-HSA-109582->R-HSA-140877  R-HSA-109582->R-HSA-202733 
 [7] R-HSA-109582->R-HSA-418346  R-HSA-109582->R-HSA-75205  
 [9] R-HSA-109582->R-HSA-75892   R-HSA-109582->R-HSA-76002  
[11] R-HSA-109582->R-HSA-983231  R-HSA-109606->R-HSA-111452 
[13] R-HSA-109606->R-HSA-111453  R-HSA-109606->R-HSA-111471 
+ ... omitted several edges
df.v <- ig %>%
        igraph::as_data_frame(what="vertices") %>%

R-HSA-5687128 R-HSA-5687128
R-HSA-174113   R-HSA-174113
R-HSA-2467813 R-HSA-2467813
R-HSA-450408   R-HSA-450408
R-HSA-5676590 R-HSA-5676590
R-HSA-8852276 R-HSA-8852276
                                                                  label    pval
R-HSA-5687128                                     MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling 6.8e-11
R-HSA-174113                 SCF-beta-TrCP mediated degradation of Emi1 1.6e-08
R-HSA-2467813                           Separation of Sister Chromatids 1.3e-08
R-HSA-450408                AUF1 (hnRNP D0) binds and destabilizes mRNA 4.6e-08
R-HSA-5676590                        NIK-->noncanonical NF-kB signaling 3.8e-08
R-HSA-8852276 The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint 4.1e-08
                  fdr signature geneset overlap score
R-HSA-5687128 1.1e-07      9682      94      62  0.44
R-HSA-174113  8.4e-06      9682      55      35  0.51
R-HSA-2467813 8.4e-06      9682     171     112  0.29
R-HSA-450408  1.0e-05      9682      55      32  0.51
R-HSA-5676590 1.0e-05      9682      59      38  0.48
R-HSA-8852276 1.0e-05      9682      60      36  0.49

Notice that internal nodes that don’t have associated genesets (just generalized labels) will not have enrichment data associated with them.

R-HSA-6785470 R-HSA-6785470
R-HSA-6784531 R-HSA-6784531
R-HSA-199992   R-HSA-199992
R-HSA-4839744 R-HSA-4839744
R-HSA-192814   R-HSA-192814
R-HSA-192905   R-HSA-192905
                                                                  label pval
R-HSA-6785470                      tRNA processing in the mitochondrion   NA
R-HSA-6784531                            tRNA processing in the nucleus   NA
R-HSA-199992                        trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Budding   NA
R-HSA-4839744 truncated APC mutants destabilize the destruction complex   NA
R-HSA-192814                                             vRNA Synthesis   NA
R-HSA-192905                                              vRNP Assembly   NA
              fdr signature geneset overlap score
R-HSA-6785470  NA        NA      NA      NA    NA
R-HSA-6784531  NA        NA      NA      NA    NA
R-HSA-199992   NA        NA      NA      NA    NA
R-HSA-4839744  NA        NA      NA      NA    NA
R-HSA-192814   NA        NA      NA      NA    NA
R-HSA-192905   NA        NA      NA      NA    NA

Data Driven Hierarchies

This is an experimental feature and not officially apart of the package.

Genesets are often redundant, hard to parse, and lack relational structure. Thus it can be useful to infer which genesets are similar before analyzing enrichment results to help group multiple enriched genesets or pathways into more generalizable processes. Here we show a data-driven method using Hierarchical Set for turning flat genesets into rgsets objects.

Explanation from hierarchical sets

The clustering, in contrast to more traditional approaches to hierarchical clustering, does not rely on a derived distance measure between the sets, but instead works directly with the set data itself using set algebra. This has two results: First, it is much easier to reason about the result in a set context, and second, you are not forced to provide a distance if none exists (sets are completely independent). The clustering is based on a generalization of Jaccard similarity, called Set Family Homogeneity, that, in its simplest form, is defined as the size of the intersection of the sets in the family divided by the size of the union of the sets in the family. The clustering progresses by iteratively merging the set families that shows the highest set family homogeneity and is terminated once all remaining set family pairs have a homogeneity of 0. Note that this means that the clustering does not necessarily end with the all sets in one overall cluster, but possibly split into several hierarchies - this is intentional.

Flat genests

What if we want to use the KEGG genesets from MSigDB - but we want to organize them into a hierarchy?

gsets <- msigdb_gsets("Homo sapiens", "C2", "CP:KEGG", clean=TRUE)
genesets <- gsets$genesets
[1] 186


We need some additional packages to help with this…

mat <- genesets %>%
    qdapTools::mtabulate() %>%
    as.matrix() %>%
    t() %>%

hierarchy <- hierarchicalSets::create_hierarchy(mat, intersectLimit=1)
A HierarchicalSet object

                 Universe size: 5245
                Number of sets: 186
Number of independent clusters: 50
plot(hierarchy, type='intersectStack', showHierarchy=TRUE, label=FALSE)

There is clearly a lot of overlap between these genesets…

plot(hierarchy, type='outlyingElements', quantiles=0.75, alpha=0.5, label=FALSE)

Extracting the hierarchy

A helper function for recursively reading and extracting trees from the clustering structure.

find.trees <- function(d) {
    subtrees <- dendextend::partition_leaves(d)
    leaves <- subtrees[[1]]
    find.paths <- function(leaf) {
        which(sapply(subtrees, function(x) leaf %in% x))
    paths <- lapply(leaves, find.paths)
    edges <- data.frame(from=c(), to=c())
    if (length(d) > 1) {
        for (path in paths) {
            for (i in seq(1, length(path)-1)) {
                edges <- rbind(edges, data.frame(from=path[i], to=path[i+1]))
        edges <- dplyr::distinct(edges)
        edges$from <- paste0("N", edges$from)
        edges$to <- paste0("N", edges$to)
    names(subtrees) <- paste0("N", seq(1:length(subtrees)))
    nodes <- data.frame(id=names(subtrees))
    rownames(nodes) <- nodes$id
    nodes$label <- ""
    leaves <- sapply(subtrees, function(x) length(x) == 1)
    nodes$label[leaves] <- sapply(subtrees[leaves], function(x) x[[1]])
    nodes$id <- NULL
    # Internal nodes will not have labels, so we can generate unique hash identifiers
    ids <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(nrow(nodes), 32)
    names(ids) <- rownames(nodes)
    rownames(nodes) <- ids[rownames(nodes)]
    edges$from <- ids[edges$from]
    edges$to <- ids[edges$to]
    return(list("edges"=edges, "nodes"=nodes))
trees <- lapply(hierarchy$clusters, find.trees)
[1] 50

Now we can merge the independent trees into a single graph…


nodes.all <- lapply(trees, function(x) x$nodes)
nodes <-, nodes.all)
jUUzOhno3bloMT8QXE5KGQaVvwBRt2K1                                           Abc Transporters
ZQmYXCWN7gey2YHYPkyZ2Z2cO5VguNoY Epithelial Cell Signaling In Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Amkon0r1hXwUMAFd5vB1b2kM3iaTqHnO                                  Vibrio Cholerae Infection


edges.all <- lapply(trees, function(x) x$edges)
edges <- data.frame(, edges.all))
                              from                               to
1 A296wAg1OnK4UfspjYApkvaIEdDMNEcG ZQmYXCWN7gey2YHYPkyZ2Z2cO5VguNoY
2 A296wAg1OnK4UfspjYApkvaIEdDMNEcG Amkon0r1hXwUMAFd5vB1b2kM3iaTqHnO
3 cPj5PgqXVbw9o6m48RbiIvWasBMNI7oa tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9
4 tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9 yNMKl6Su7kkPooY2l1WE6SjTGZLYVE4b
5 tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9 zdr2p3XuCE4CbFHRbC78che7tIfiZYNd
6 cPj5PgqXVbw9o6m48RbiIvWasBMNI7oa KsTjbfPIC7orJKNRMF89pm0wCGtXmiDI

Create the relational genesets object…

rgsets_obj <- rgsets$new(genesets, nodes, edges, name="MSIGDB_KEGG", version=msigdb_version())


Abc Transporters (44)
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (57)
Adherens Junction (73)
Adipocytokine Signaling Pathway (67)
Alanine Aspartate And Glutamate Metabolism (32)
Aldosterone Regulated Sodium Reabsorption (42)


jUUzOhno3bloMT8QXE5KGQaVvwBRt2K1                                           Abc Transporters
ZQmYXCWN7gey2YHYPkyZ2Z2cO5VguNoY Epithelial Cell Signaling In Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Amkon0r1hXwUMAFd5vB1b2kM3iaTqHnO                                  Vibrio Cholerae Infection
                                                               id length
jUUzOhno3bloMT8QXE5KGQaVvwBRt2K1 jUUzOhno3bloMT8QXE5KGQaVvwBRt2K1     44
A296wAg1OnK4UfspjYApkvaIEdDMNEcG A296wAg1OnK4UfspjYApkvaIEdDMNEcG     95
ZQmYXCWN7gey2YHYPkyZ2Z2cO5VguNoY ZQmYXCWN7gey2YHYPkyZ2Z2cO5VguNoY     68
Amkon0r1hXwUMAFd5vB1b2kM3iaTqHnO Amkon0r1hXwUMAFd5vB1b2kM3iaTqHnO     54
cPj5PgqXVbw9o6m48RbiIvWasBMNI7oa cPj5PgqXVbw9o6m48RbiIvWasBMNI7oa    315
tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9 tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9    248


                              from                               to
1 A296wAg1OnK4UfspjYApkvaIEdDMNEcG ZQmYXCWN7gey2YHYPkyZ2Z2cO5VguNoY
2 A296wAg1OnK4UfspjYApkvaIEdDMNEcG Amkon0r1hXwUMAFd5vB1b2kM3iaTqHnO
3 cPj5PgqXVbw9o6m48RbiIvWasBMNI7oa tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9
4 tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9 yNMKl6Su7kkPooY2l1WE6SjTGZLYVE4b
5 tdqY8vlhyDwxanxeOX0rarojDMsS1Hb9 zdr2p3XuCE4CbFHRbC78che7tIfiZYNd
6 cPj5PgqXVbw9o6m48RbiIvWasBMNI7oa KsTjbfPIC7orJKNRMF89pm0wCGtXmiDI
hyp <- hypeR(signature, rgsets_obj, test="kstest")
hyp_dots(hyp, fdr=0.1, top=25)

hyp_hmap(hyp, fdr=0.1)