Create table hyper- and single-sample enrichment results from 'K2' object.




An object of class K2 or K2results().


A data.frame object with the following columns:

  • category: The user-specified gene set names

  • node: The identifier of the partition

  • edge: Indication of which subgroup the gene was assigned at a given partition

  • direction: The direction of coefficient for the assigned gene set

  • pval_hyper: The p-value of the hyperenrichment test comparing the subgroup-assigned gene set to the user-specified gene set

  • fdr_hyper: The multiple hypothesis corrected FDR (Benjamini-Hochberg) p-value of hyperenrichment, adjusted across all partitions

  • nhits: The intersection of subgroup-assigned genes and the user-specified gene set

  • ndrawn: The number of subgroup-assigned genes

  • ncats: The number of genes in the user-specified gene set

  • ntot: The background population of possible genes

  • pval_limma: The p-value estimated by the `limma` R package

  • fdr_limma: The multiple hypothesis corrected FDR (Benjamini-Hochberg) p-value of differential analysis, adjusted across all partitions

  • coef: The difference between the means of each subgroup at a given partition

  • mean: The mean across all observations at the given partition

  • t: The test statistic estimated by the `limma` R package

  • B: The B-statistic estimated by the `limma` R package


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## Read in ExpressionSet object library(Biobase) data(sample.ExpressionSet) ## Pre-process and create K2 object K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet) ## Run K2 Taxonomer algorithm K2res <- K2tax(K2res, stabThresh=0.5) ## Run differential analysis on each partition K2res <- runDGEmods(K2res) ## Create dummy set of gene sets DGEtable <- getDGETable(K2res) genes <- unique(DGEtable$gene) genesetsMadeUp <- list( GS1=genes[1:50], GS2=genes[51:100], GS3=genes[101:150]) ## Run gene set hyperenrichment K2res <- runGSEmods(K2res, genesets=genesetsMadeUp, qthresh=0.1) ## Run GSVA on genesets K2res <- runGSVAmods(K2res, ssGSEAalg='gsva', ssGSEAcores=1, verbose=FALSE) ## Run differential analysis on GSVA results K2res <- runDSSEmods(K2res) head(getEnrichmentTable(K2res))
#> category node edge direction pval_hyper fdr_hyper nhits ndrawn ncats #> 1 GS1 E 2 up 8.289318e-40 2.984154e-38 17 26 50 #> 2 GS1 A 2 up 1.388507e-36 2.499313e-35 15 20 50 #> 3 GS2 A 1 up 2.616509e-28 3.139810e-27 12 18 50 #> 4 GS2 E 2 up 5.386442e-18 4.847798e-17 9 26 50 #> 5 GS2 C 2 up 8.187727e-14 5.895164e-13 6 11 50 #> 6 GS1 A 1 up 3.246781e-12 1.948068e-11 6 18 50 #> ntot pval_limma fdr_limma coef mean t B #> 1 20000 0.0167604129 0.2011249549 0.4158121 0.0981111115 2.550020 -2.855639 #> 2 20000 0.0000102174 0.0002452175 0.3421021 0.0009537613 4.969924 3.240044 #> 3 20000 0.1016447486 0.3484962808 0.1183511 0.0112973465 1.671177 -5.225981 #> 4 20000 0.0255329069 0.2042632552 0.3854695 -0.0930926814 2.363940 -3.274470 #> 5 20000 0.0493914221 0.2370788260 0.2036941 -0.0387742566 2.028366 -3.769405 #> 6 20000 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> hits #> 1 31397_at,31589_at,AFFX-YEL021w/URA3_at,AFFX-BioC-3_st,31564_at,31425_g_at,AFFX-MurIL2_at,31502_at,31507_at,31726_at,31556_at,31574_i_at,31466_at,31571_at,31554_at,AFFX-PheX-M_at,31379_at #> 2 31583_at,31546_at,31573_at,31511_at,31568_at,31527_at,31545_at,31708_at,31330_at,31492_at,31509_at,31385_at,31538_at,31697_s_at,31722_at #> 3 AFFX-TrpnX-5_at,31694_at,31471_at,31618_at,AFFX-MurIL4_at,31537_at,31345_at,31465_g_at,31335_at,31428_at,31566_at,31419_r_at #> 4 AFFX-HUMGAPDH/M33197_3_at,31417_at,31404_at,31586_f_at,31478_at,31364_i_at,AFFX-CreX-5_at,31406_at,31569_at #> 5 31579_at,31441_at,AFFX-YEL024w/RIP1_at,AFFX-BioB-5_at,AFFX-HUMGAPDH/M33197_3_st,31560_at #> 6 31396_r_at,31649_at,31580_at,31535_i_at,31461_at,31529_at