This function performs K2 Taxonomer procedure only. Arguments values are extracted from K2meta(K2res) unless othewise specified.
K2tax( K2res, nFeats = NULL, featMetric = NULL, recalcDataMatrix = NULL, nBoots = NULL, clustFunc = NULL, clustCors = NULL, clustList = NULL, linkage = NULL, oneoff = NULL, stabThresh = NULL )
K2res | An object of class K2. The output of K2preproc(). |
nFeats | A numeric value <= P of subsets of the data to use. |
featMetric | Metric to use to assign variance/signal score. Options are 'square' (default), 'mad' to use MAD scores, 'sd' to use standard deviation |
recalcDataMatrix | Recalculate dataMatrix for each partion? |
nBoots | A numeric value of the number of bootstraps to run at each split. |
clustFunc | Wrapper function to cluster a P x N (See details). |
clustCors | Number of cores to use for clustering. |
clustList | List of objects to use for clustering procedure. |
linkage | Linkage criteria for splitting cosine matrix ('method' in hclust). |
oneoff | Logical. Allow 1 member clusters? |
stabThresh | A numeric value < 1, to set stopping threshold (use any negative value for no threshold). |
An object of class K2.
Reed ER, Monti S (2020). “Multi-resolution characterization of molecular taxonomies in bulk and single-cell transcriptomics data.” Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1101/2020.11.05.370197 ,