Shiny Server modules
CaDrA_Server(id, datalist = NULL)
A unique namespace identifier
A data frame or path to data file (in cvs or rds format) listing the absolute paths of necessary files to start the app.
The datalist must contains the following variables: 'feature_set' (required), 'feature_set_path' (repuired), 'input_score_name' (required), input_score_path' (required), 'gene_expression_name' (required), 'gene_expression_path' (required)
Default is NULL. If NULL, the app will start with DEFAULT dataset that included in the package.
Shiny server elements
# Load R library
# Create ui and server for Shiny app
id <- "myapp"
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
CaDrA.shiny::CaDrA_UI(id = id)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
CaDrA.shiny::CaDrA_Server(id = id)
app <- shiny::shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
# Launch and deploy Shiny app (NOT RUN)
# shiny::runApp(app, host='', port=3838)